Our Services

Basic Consultations

We meet with clients on their properties to review their trees and landscapes and provide basic information regarding specific issues identified during the site meeting. Whether it’s for safety concerns with their trees, giving some direction with neighbour conflict or providing ideas for overwhelming landscapes where clients just don’t know where to start, we can help guide people in the right direction or team clients up with the right service providers.

Arborist Reports

We generate arborist reports for a variety of different projects including tree removal and pruning; construction and development; risk & condition assessments... just to name a few.

Construction & Development Projects

Reviewing plans; conducting site visits; creating tree protection plans & replanting plans, etc. for single-family lots, large subdivisions, and commercial properties; additionally providing project arborist support to supervise demolition and excavation activities that are occurring near protected trees.


Tree Risk Assessments (Hazard Tree Identification)

We provide our clients with tree risk assessments for trees in the landscape from a hazard tree identification and safety standpoint using the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) criteria as developed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).

Tree Management Plans

Over and above the TMPs for development, we provide clients (stratas, co-ops and/ or private property) with management plans that suit their specific needs to ensure the longevity of their landscape and maintain the health of their trees.

Landscape Assessments & Inspections

We provide a thorough review and assessment of landscapes on client properties that generally include: tree inventories; review of smaller landscape shrubs and plants; soil management; plant healthcare; pest and disease identification; review of efficacy of their irrigation system etc. to be able to generate a comprehensive plan that clients can use to assist in managing and protecting the investment in their landscape.

Integrated Pest Management Plans

These management plans can be created from the information collected from tree assessments where pest and disease populations have been identified. The plans are devised using recognized IPM practices and can include holistic management or teaming clients up with reputable service providers.

Tree Inventories

We tag and inventory trees on private and commercial properties while identifying species and condition. We provide recommendations for action which could include: removal & replacement; pruning; cable and bracing etc. Inventories may be required for tree management plans and/ or construction.

Landscape Tree Appraisals

We provide our clients with appraisals for trees in the landscape from an asset standpoint or for plants that have been damaged from some occurrence using the predetermined process as developed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers.

All work done by Radix is in conformity to the ISA Standards, Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, Canadian Landscape Standards, American Society of Consulting Arborists and WorkSafe BC.

When a person becomes interested in trees, the forest bursts forth with new life as if all the trees have suddenly come alive.
— Twylah Hurd Nitsch